Bénédicte DURAND — Professor, UCBL
Marine LAPORTE — Researcher, INSERM
Véronique MOREL — Researcher, CNRS
Joëlle THOMAS — Assistant Professor, UCBL
Sarah DE FREITAS — PhD student, UCBL
Julien PERRICHET — Research Assistant, UCBL
Anthony RABATÉ — PhD student, UCBL
Jennifer VIEILLARD — Research Assistant, UCBL
Cilia assembly and development
Principal investigator: Bénédicte DURAND
Cilia | Centriole | Cytoskeleton | Cell architecture | Ciliopathies | Drosophila | Microtubules | Muscle | Nesprin
Centrioles and cilia play fundamental roles in cell and tissue homeostasis in animals.
One of the key steps in cilia assembly is the conversion of the centriole to the basal body, a process strictly correlated with cell cycle progression. One of the current challenges in understanding cilia and flagellum assembly is our ability to resolve the molecular organization of this structure and to identify the role of each component of this highly organized assembly. For this purpose, high resolution microscopy approaches are developed in the team: airyscan, 3D-SIM, electron microscopy and expansion microscopy coupled with STED microscopy applied to Drosophila ciliated tissues or mammalian cells. This will help us to understand the three dimensional organization of these assemblies, but also the functional and temporal hierarchy of the constitutive elements. We combine these observations with functional genetics strategies in Drosophila (including CripsR/Cas9 genome editing) and in mammalian cell culture. In addition, we are developing biochemical approaches (proximity labeling) to understand the molecular composition of the centriolar or ciliary scaffolds. We have identified several proteins that are involved in human ciliary pathologies but also in neuronal degeneration (amyotrophic lateral sclerosis) and cardiac muscle pathologies (cardiomyopathy). We aim to understand how these proteins contribute to the biogenesis of cilia and centrioles and may be at the origin of these different pathologies.
For the general public
Cilia and flagella are small cellular protrusions at the cell surface that play various roles: they can be motile and propel cells (spermatozoa) and fluids (respiratory mucus), or they can be immotile and serve as cellular antennae capturing extracellular signals, allowing cells to respond and adapt to their environment. Abnormalities in cilia formation or function are responsible for many rare and often severe hereditary diseases, grouped under the term ciliopathies. More, cilia and centrioles on which they are built, are also important players in the regulation of cancerous processes because of their role in the control of cell division and cell signaling. Our team aims to understand how cilia are assembled from centrioles and what are the mechanisms underlying their diversity of function. We are developing functional genetic, biochemical and high-resolution imaging approaches to identify and understand the function of new genes involved in cilia assembly. We mainly use the Drosophila model and mouse or human cell models. Our work has implications for the understanding of diseases associated with dysfunctions of these organelles.
Join the team!
Characterizing the function of proteins associated with ciliopathies
The PhD project aims to understand the precise function of two proteins whose mutations in humans are associated with retinal ciliopathy. In this project, the PhD candidate will combine the power of functional genetic approaches in Drosophila (RNAi and/or CrispR-Cas9 genome editing) with cutting-edge imaging strategies (Expansion microscopy coupled with spinning-confocal and STED microscopies) and biochemical strategies to determine the contribution of each protein to cilia assembly and maintenance.
Starting date : 1 October 2024.Contact Prof. Bénédicte Durand
Team members
- Bénédicte DURAND — ORCID — Professor, UCBL, HDR – benedicte.durand@univ-lyon1.fr – 04 78 77 28 13
- Marine LAPORTE — ORCID — Researcher, INSERM – marine.laporte2@univ-lyon1.fr – 04 78 77 28 65
- Véronique MOREL — ORCID — Researcher, CNRS – veronique.morel@univ-lyon1.fr – 04 26 68 82 99
- Joëlle THOMAS — ORCID — Associate Professor, UCBL – joelle.thomas@univ-lyon1.fr – 04 78 77 28 65
- Sarah DE FREITAS — PhD student, UCBL – sarah.de-freitas@etu.univ-lyon1.fr – 04 78 77 28 65
- Julien PERRICHET — Research Assistant, UCBL – julien.perrichet@univ-lyon1.fr – 04 78 77 28 65
- Anthony RABATÉ — PhD student, UCBL
- Jennifer VIEILLARD — Research Assistant, UCBL - jennifer.vieillard@univ-lyon1.fr – 04 78 77 28 65
- Marine BRUNET — PhD student
- Emilie JOUX — M2 Research Internship
- Amélie BILLON — PhD student
- Alison CARRET — PhD student
- Emilie FONTAINE — PhD student
- Hajer MAARCHA — M2 Research Intern
- Jean-André LAPART — PhD student
- Céline AUGIERE — PhD student
- Jennifer VIEILLARD — PhD student
- Dominique BAAS — Associate Professor
- Marie PASCHAKI — Associate Professor
- Elisabeth CORTIER — Research Assistant
- Jean-Luc DUTEYRAT — Research Assistant
Selected publications
- Cep131-Cep162 and Cby-Fam92 complexes cooperatively maintain Cep290 at the basal body and contribute to ciliogenesis initiation.
Wu Z, Chen H, Zhang Y, Wang Y, Wang Q, Augière C, Hou Y, Fu Y, Peng Y, Durand B, Wei Q.
PLoS Biology (2024) — Show abstract - Evolution: The ancient history of cilia assembly regulation.
Azimzadeh J, Durand B.
Current Biology (2023) — Show abstract - Drosophila transition fibers are essential for IFT-dependent ciliary elongation but not basal body docking and ciliary budding
Hou Y, Zheng S, Wu Z, Augière C, Morel V, Cortier E, Duteyrat JL, Zhang Y, Chen H, Peng Y, Durand B, Wei Q.
Current Biology (2023) — Show abstract - Drosophila Nesprin-1 Isoforms Differentially Contribute to Muscle Function
Rey A, Schaeffer L, Durand B, Morel V.
Cells (2021) — Show abstract - Interplay of RFX transcription factors 1, 2 and 3 in motile ciliogenesis.
Lemeille S, Paschaki M, Baas D, Morlé L, Duteyrat JL, Ait-Lounis A, Barras E, Soulavie F, Jerber J, Thomas J, Zhang Y, Holtzman MJ, Kistler WS, Reith W, Durand B.
Nucleic Acid Res (2020) — Show abstract - Dzip1 and Fam92 form a ciliary transition zone complex with cell type specific roles in Drosophila.
Lapart JA, Gottardo M, Cortier E, Duteyrat JL, Augière C, Mangé A, Jerber J, Solassol J, Gopalakrishnan J, Thomas J, Durand B
eLife (2019) — Show abstract - salto/CG13164 is required for sperm head morphogenesis in Drosophila.
Augière C, Lapart JA, Duteyrat JL, Cortier E, Maire C, Thomas J, Durand B.
Mol. Biol. Cell. (2019) — Show abstract - Altered GLI3 and FGF8 signaling underlies Acrocallosal syndrome phenotypes in Kif7 depleted mice.
Putoux A, Baas D, Paschaki M, Morlé L, Maire C, Attié-Bitach T, Thomas S, Durand B.
Hum Mol Genet. (2019) — Show abstract - Genetic specification of left-right asymmetry in the diaphragm muscles and their motor innervation.
Charoy C, Dinvaut S, Chaix Y, Morlé L, Sanyas I, Bozon M, Kindbeiter K, Durand B, Skidmore JM, De Groef L, Seki M, Moons L, Ruhrberg C, Martin JF, Martin DM, Falk J, Castellani V.
Elife (2017) — Show abstract - Transition zone assembly and its contribution to axoneme formation in Drosophila male germ cells.
Vieillard J, Paschaki M, Duteyrat JL, Augière C, Cortier E, Lapart JA, Thomas J and Durand B.
Cell Biology (2016) — Show abstract - Drosophila melanogaster as a model for basal body research.
Jana SC, Bettencourt-Dias M, Durand B, and Megraw TL.
Cilia (2016) — Show abstract - RFX2 Is a Major Transcriptional Regulator of Spermiogenesis.
Kistler WS, Baas D, Lemeille S, Paschaki M, Seguin-Estevez Q, Barras E, Ma W, Duteyrat JL, Morlé L, Durand B and Reith W.
Plos Genetics (2015) — Show abstract