Post-doc position – équipe Boulin .
Institut Jacques Monod, Paris
Secreted collagens compose 15–20% of our dry body weight and are necessary for tissue formation. Dysregulated collagen secretion affects every organ system and is the pathophysiological hallmark of a broad range of diseases encompassing collagenopathies and fibrosis. Modulation of excessive collagen deposition could, therefore, offer an effective disease-modifying therapeutic approach. One solution to this problem comes from our studies of how these bulky cargoes are exported from the endoplasmic reticulum (ER), despite being too large to fit into a conventional COPII vesicle. Our discovery of TANGO1 has made the pathway of bulky cargo secretion amenable to molecular analysis and therapeutic control. TANGO1 connects collagen in the ER lumen to cytoplasmic membrane-sculpting machinery, including COPII coat components. A TANGO1 filament surrounds, corrals, and scaffolds COPII coat assembly at an ER exit site (ERES). It recruits a multisubunit tethering complex to link ER export to retrograde COPI-coated ERGIC membranes. Altogether, TANGO1 stabilizes a transient tunnel for bulky secretory cargo export without involving a bona fide vesicular intermediate as per Palade’s classical model of protein transport (Figure 1). We developed membrane-permeant peptide inhibitors of TANGO1. These peptides act as competitive inhibitors of TANGO1 function, allowing us to control collagen secretion in cells, primary tissue derived from patients with scleroderma, and in vivo, including in a murine model of skin fibrosis. Our results demonstrate that acute control of TANGO1 could provide a disease-modifying therapy for such collagenopathies.
Institut Curie, Paris
To regulate their homeostasis, cells need to address specific proteins and lipids toward particular compartments in a tightly controlled manner. Golgi-dependent trafficking plays a crucial role in these processes. Although our understanding of the mechanisms of intra-Golgi transport and sorting has significantly improved over the past two decades, the underlying complexity of transport routes, encompassing mechanisms and dynamics, is only beginning to be revealed. Over the years, we have developed several versatile assays to monitor and quantify the transport of cargoes to the cell surface, such as the RUSH assay and the CATCHFIRE system. These assays provide powerful tools for studying and perturbing cell dynamics in real-time. Recently, we applied these tools to gain a deeper understanding of how the cell surface PD-L1 is translocated through the secretory pathway and subsequently transported to the cell surface. Additionally, we leveraged our trafficking assays to develop novel translational approaches, screen for inhibitory molecules, and establish tunable cell-based therapies.
Institut Pasteur, Paris
IBPS, Paris
IINS, Bordeaux
The ability of the brain to constantly adapt its organization to ever-changing stimuli is termed ‘plasticity’ and is a prominent feature not only of learning and memory in the adult, but also of neuronal circuit assembly during developmental critical periods. Connections that are the most active become stronger and more stable, while the less active ones weaken and eventually get eliminated. How does activity make specific synapses stronger or weaker and how does it serve synaptic circuit refinement? In both immature and mature circuits, long-term changes in synapse function and organization involves signaling which regulate the traffic of synaptic proteins including cell adhesion molecules, scaffolding proteins and receptors, but also requires the expression of specific genes through transcription and translation dependent mechanisms. During this seminar, I will first present how the activity-dependent local translation of synaptopodin, a protein related to the spine apparatus, allows the input-specific molecular tagging of mature hippocampal synapses. I will then present current work in which we investigate how specific connections get molecularly encoded in the developing olivo-cerebellar system by implementing the patch-seq technique.
GIN, Grenoble
Insults to the central nervous system (CNS) induce permanent cognitive, sensory and/or motor disabilities, as the mature CNS is not able to regenerate. Because of the continuous increase of traumatic injuries cases (such as spinal cord injuries) or chronic neurodegenerative diseases, along with the lack of treatment, promoting neuronal growth, repair and functional recovery represent a great challenge for neurobiology, patients and public health. Since 2008, CNS regeneration has been unlocked, in part, by the modulation of neuronal molecular pathways. These master regulators promote regeneration from few millimeters to long distance regeneration when combined. However, there is still important limitations to achieve full functional recovery and patient’s treatment. Indeed, none of these molecules induce sufficient axon growth to allow complete circuit reconstruction. Moreover, most of these candidates cannot be used as therapy because of their large spectrum of action and potential oncogenic side effects. Thus, there is still a need to identify new molecules controlling CNS regeneration and define precisely their underlying molecular mechanisms in order to develop innovative treatments. Recently, our team identified protein synthesis as a key mechanism to promote axon regeneration. Particularly, we demonstrated that the translational complex (ribosomes and their interacting proteins) is a direct regulator of protein synthesis with specific modulation of the ribo-interactome and ribosomal proteins. Our work shed the light on the role translation, allowing the understanding of the molecular mechanisms at play during regeneration.
Institut de Biologie du Développement de Marseille (IBDM)
In animals, the nervous system is composed of a high diversity of neuronal cell types. During development, the correct number of neurons of each neuronal cell type has to be produced so that the nervous system can function properly. How such a level of precision is reached in a robust manner remains poorly understood. To address this question our strategy is to combine genome engineering methods and quantitative microscopy approaches to characterize the dynamics of key molecular players in vivo with single cell resolution. We use C. elegans as a biological system. More precisely, we are analyzing how the terminal divisions of neuronal progenitors are regulated by the Wnt pathway and how precise transcriptional differentiation programs are subsequently activated in a robust manner.
Department of Biomolecular Sciences, Weizmann Institute of Science
IGFL, Lyon
As the renaissance philosopher Michel De Montaigne said: ‘life is only movement’. Locomotion is a stereotyped behavior used by animals to find food, mates or to escape from predators. In animal appendages, the morphologies of muscles ensure precise movements. These muscles are innervated by a unique wiring of motoneuron axon terminals controlling the timing and intensity of muscle contraction. How do muscles and motoneurons (MNs) coordinate their development to establish unique axon-muscle connections? How do muscles acquire their unique morphologies?
My team wants to answer these questions by determining at the single cell level the genetic program controlling the development of muscle morphologies and of the axon-muscle connectome architecture in Drosophila legs. We use single cell RNA profiling and a novel 3D spatial transcriptomic approach combined with state-of-the-art techniques to visualize and selectively modify the genotype of individual cells in a developing or adult organism. We determine the impact of these manipulations on cell architecture with state-of-the-art microscopy and on locomotion with unique behavioral technologies.
During the first part of the seminar I will speak about recently published work on the Development of muscle innervation: What are the molecular and cellular mechanisms controlling the building of the axon-muscle connectome? Then, I will speak about non-published work on the Development of individual muscle morphologies: Is there a genetic program in adult MNs and muscles actively maintaining the architecture of the muscle innervation once built?
Department of Molecular Genetics, Weizmann Institute of Science
The identity of somatic and pluripotent cells can be epigenetically reprogrammed and forced to adapt a new functional cell state by different methods and distinct combinations of exogenous factors. The aspiration to utilize such in vitor reprogrammed pluripotent and somatic cells for therapeutic purposes necessitates understanding of the mechanisms of reprogramming and differentiation and elucidating the extent of equivalence of the in vitro derived cells to their in vivo counterparts. In my presentation, I will present my group’s recent advances toward understanding these fundamental questions and further detail our ongoing efforts to generate developmentally unrestricted human naive pluripotent cells with embryonic and extra-embryonic developmental potential. I will expand on new avenues for utilizing custom made electronically controlled ex utero platforms and optimized conditions for growing natural mammalian embryos ex utero for extended periods capturing both the gastrulation and organogenesis until advanced stages, for better studying of stem cell transitions during embryogenesis and organogenesis. I will detail how the latter platforms offered an exclusive technical platform to demonstrate and unleash the self-organizing capacity of mouse naïve PSCs to generate post-gastrulation organ-filled whole synthetic embryos with both embryonic and extraembryonic compartment ex utero. Collectively, I will be highlighting prospects for new platforms for advancing human disease and developmental modelling.
Institut de la vision, Paris
DIn most animal species including humans, commissural axons connect neurons on the left and right side of the nervous system. This communication between the two sides of the brain and spinal cord is necessary for a series of complex function, including binocular vision, coordinated locomotor movements, and sound direction localization. In humans, abnormal axon midline crossing during development causes a whole range of neurological disorders ranging from congenital mirror movements, horizontal gaze palsy, scoliosis or binocular vision deficits. The mechanisms which guide axons across the CNS midline were thought to be evolutionary conserved but our recent results suggesting that they differ across vertebrates. We obtained genetic evidence challenging the idea that long-range gradients of diffusible factors, such as netrin-1 attract commissural axons to the midline. I will also discuss the evolution of visual projection laterality during vertebrate evolution. In most vertebrates, camera-style eyes contain retinal ganglion cell (RGC) neurons projecting to visual centers on both sides of the brain. However, in fish, RGCs are thought to only innervate the contralateral side. This suggested that bilateral visual projections appeared in tetrapods as an adaptation to aerial vision. Using 3D imaging and tissue clearing we found that bilateral visual projections exist in non-teleost fishes. We also found that the developmental program specifying visual system laterality differs between fishes and mammals.
University College of London, UK
David Gems is a founding member of the Institute of Healthy Ageing (IHA) at University College London, where he works as Professor of Biogerontology and Research Director. Much of his work uses the nematode worm C. elegans to understand the fundamental mechanisms that cause the ageing process, including late-life disease. He also contributed to studies of aging in other nematodes, Drosophila, the mouse and Pacific salmon, and penned articles on the ethics of ageing research. He published over 160 articles, mostly on ageing.
University of Washington, Seattle, USA
Univ. Lille, Inserm, CHU Lille, UMR- S 1172 – Lab Development and Plasticity of the Neuroendocrine Brain, Lille Neuroscience & Cognition Center, Lille, France
Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is the major reproductive and metabolic disorder affecting 10-18% of women in reproductive age. Beyond its implications leading to female infertility, the disease is associated with several metabolic disruptions, cardiovascular diseases, and psychosexual disorders. Despite this heavy health burden, there is currently no cure for this syndrome.
My talk will summarize some recent discoveries showing that in animal models prenatal exposure to elevated levels of anti-Müllerian hormone (AMH) predisposes female offspring to develop reproductive and metabolic traits typical of the human disease. We capitalized on this new PCOS-like model to dissect the brain and peripheral developmental basis of PCOS inheritance. Our findings show that the transmission of PCOS reproductive and metabolic dysfunctions to multiple generations occurs via altered landscapes of DNA methylation and highlight a roadmap to new diagnostic and therapeutic avenues of the disease.
Women with PCOS also often suffer from sexual dysfunction; however, the developmental and central mechanisms mediating this behavioral derangement are unclear. In this talk, I will also present a recent investigation providing compelling evidence that sexual dysfunction in PCOS is associated with specific changes in central hypothalamic and limbic circuits regulating sexual behavior in mammals. Coupling viral-based in vivo chemogenetic manipulation with behavioral tests and pharmacological preclinical therapeutic strategies, we identified the contribution of specific neuronal populations, which are required for the display of normal sexual behavior in female mice.
Altogether, these works have broad repercussions for our understanding of developmental reprogramming in the female brain leading to disturbances in hypothalamic circuitry driving reproductive, metabolic and sexual dysfunction in PCOS and provide grounds to novel prospective therapeutic venues.
Harvard University, Boston, USA
HHMI, Columbia University, New York, USA
The enormous diversity of cell types in any animal model system is defined by neuron type-specific gene batteries that endow distinct cells with distinct anatomical and functional properties. Based on our own work in C. elegans as well as recent gene expression studies in vertebrates and flies, I propose that the diversity of neuronal cell types can be reduced to a simpler descriptor, the combinatorial expression of a specific class of transcription factors, encoded by homeobox genes. Functional studies in multiple animal model systems have corroborated the importance of homeobox genes in specifying neuronal identity. Recent unpublished work from my laboratory also shows that apart from controlling neuron-type specific gene batteries, a specific homeobox gene subfamily also control pan-neuronal identity features. I propose that the preponderance of homeobox genes in neuronal identity control is a reflection of an evolutionary trajectory in which an ancestral neuron type was specified by an ancestral homeobox genes and that this functional linkage then duplicated and diversified to generate distinct cell types in an evolving nervous system.
Grenoble Institut Neurosciences
Huntington’s disease is caused by the abnormal polyglutamine expansion in the N-ter part of huntingtin (HTT), a large protein of 350kDa. Over the past years, we proposed that HTT acts a scaffold for the molecular motors and through this function, regulates the efficiency and directionality of vesicular transport along microtubules in neurons. In particular, HTT controls the microtubule-based fast axonal transport (FAT) of neurotrophic factors such as BDNF. HTT function in transport is modulated by direct phosphorylation/dephosphorylation via specific signaling pathways. Importantly, polyQ expansion in HTT alters this function, leading to a decrease in neurotrophic support and death of striatal neurons. The defect in transport might not be restricted to axons but could also involve defects in the retrograde transport of TrkB in striatal dendrites.
In addition to the role of HTT in scaffolding the molecular motors both in cortical and striatal neurons, we found that HTT scaffolds GAPDH on vesicles and that vesicular GAPDH is necessary to propel vesicles in GAPDH deficient neurons. Here we will extend these findings and discuss how HTT by specifically localizing the glycolytic machinery on vesicles may supply constant energy for the transport of vesicles over long distances in axons.
KAUST, Saudi Arabia
In some cases genetic "memories" are transmitted across generations without changes in DNA sequences. This type of memory is referred to as transgenerational epigenetic inheritance and can be mediated by small RNA populations and changes to chromatin. Epigenetic inheritance is probably best understood at the molecular level in the nematode C. elegans due to their short life-span and easy genetics. Here, I will describe a novel method for silencing genes in germ cells and early development using a class of small RNAs (piRNAs). We have used this silencing system to determine conditions where memories are inherited for a few generations (typically, three to six generations) and conditions where the memory becomes essentially permanent.
Centre de Biologie Integrative, UMR 5547 CNRS, Université de Toulouse
Satellite cells are muscle stem cells (SCs), which play essential roles in muscle repair and maintenance. One fundamental question is how such cells are specified and then protected from differentiation for a prolonged period of time. To investigate this question, we used as a model the recently identified Drosophila SCs and found that it involves a switch in RNA-isoforms coding for the transcription factor Zhf1/ZEB, a key player in SC maintenance. This switch, under Notch control, enables SC to escape differentiation by producing an alternate ZEB-short RNA isoform, which lacks the miR-8/miR-200 seed site present in ZEB-long isoforms. This mechanism may be of wide biological relevance. Another timely and poorly understood question is how SCs are activated and behave for rebuilding muscles following injury. My research program aims at elucidating cellular aspects of SC activation in a living animal and the molecular control of this behavior.
Hadi Boukhatmi and Sarah Bray (2018). A population of adult satellite-like cells in Drosophila is maintained through a switch in RNA-isoforms. eLife 2018;7:e35954.
Hadi Boukhatmi, Torcato Martins, Zoe Pillidge, Tsveta Kamenova and Sarah Bray (2020). Notch mediates inter-tissue communication to promote tumorigenesis. Current Biology 30, 1-12.
Institut de Biologie, Paris Seine, UMR 8256 - Biological Adaptation and Ageing
Brief pulses of dopamine in the striatum are critical for reward-mediated learning, and the temporal coincidence of dopamine and other neuromodulators bears important significance in the cellular integration of these signals. Our approach is mainly based on monitoring the dynamics of cyclic nucleotide signaling with biosensors in mouse brain slice preparations, combined with in silico simulations. Our experiments show that the presence of specific isoforms of signaling enzymes in the striatum makes these neurons highly responsive to brief dopamine transients. We are currently analyzing how these features could lead to novel therapeutic strategies for Parkinson’s disease.
Understanding the links between neuronal plasticity which underlies memory and energy metabolism is a major goal of brain studies. The brain is a main energy consumer and the central regulator of energy homeostasis, and it prioritizes its own supply over peripheral organs. However we have shown in Drosophila that the brain is also able to regulate its own activity under energy shortage to favor survival. I will describe how our integrated strategy to study at the molecular, circuit and behavioral levels how the brain energy status is transmitted to the drosophila olfactory memory center, and how this information is used to regulate long-term memory formation. Finally, I will present recent data linking sexual activity with memory capacity.
Institut Curie, Paris
Body and organ size are intrinsic properties of living organisms and are intimately linked to the developmental program to produce fit individuals with proper proportions. The regulation of organ size integrates both systemic and organ-specific processes and deregulation of these processes leads to severe medical conditions including cancer. We study these regulations in the context of Drosophila development, where the merge between genetic and physiological approaches allows deciphering the principles of organ growth with a high level of precision.
Keio University School of Medicine, Tokyo
Synaptic organizers regulate formation, elimination and maintenance of synaptic connections throughout life. Although excitatory and inhibitory synaptic imbalance underlies certain neuropsychiatric and neurological disorders, no tools are currently available to directly modulate the balance. Recently, a new class of synaptic organizers, termed extracellular scaffolding proteins (ESPs), are reported to acutely and potently modulate specific synapses by directly binding to certain pre- and postsynaptic membrane proteins. Here, to expand the repertoire of ESPs with a variety of pre- and postsynaptic specificities, we developed a new synthetic ESP, Cbln1–neuronal pentraxin 1 (NP1) chimera (CPTX), by exploiting the structure of NP1 and Cbln1. Unlike original Cbln1, CPTX induced excitatory synapses by recruiting AMPA glutamate receptors in vitro. Furthermore, CPTX restored excitatory synapses and synaptic plasticity in vivo, as well as spatial and contextual memories in Alzheimer’s disease model mice. In this talk, I would like to discuss a possible toolkit of ESPs with a variety of pre- and postsynaptic specificities to modify neuronal circuits.
Yale University, New Haven, USA
The nervous system has an extraordinary capacity to repair damage by regenerating axons and synaptic connections. I will discuss the molecular and cellular basis of axon regeneration in C. elegans, and describe how regenerated synapses and circuits differ from those generated during development. Finally, I will present new data on a novel ncRNA pathway that controls regenerations.
Institut de Biologie Structurale, Grenoble
The serotonin 5-HT3 receptor is a pentameric ligand-gated ion channel. It belongs to a large family of receptors that transduce signals across the plasma membrane: upon binding of neurotransmitter molecules to extracellular sites, the receptors undergo complex conformational transitions, which result in transient opening of a pore permeable to ions. 5-HT3 receptors are therapeutic targets for emesis and nausea, irritable bowel syndrome and depression. I will present structures of the 5-HT3 receptor obtained by crystallography or cryo-electron microscopy. The structures, obtained in complex with inhibitors or agonists, represent snapshots in different states: inhibited, pre-active, active. Together with molecular dynamics simulations and functional recordings, they reveal the molecular mechanism of the fast neurotransmission mediated by 5HT3 receptors.
Research Institute of Molecular Pathology (IMP), Vienna, Austria
One of the main goals of developmental biology is to understand how the different cell types that constitute a multicellular organism are specified during its development. Luisa Cochella is a young PI (awarded for both ERC starting Grant and EMBO Young investigator program) who is currently exploring the different mechanisms of gene expression regulation that control this process. Her lab investigates how the transcriptional history of a cell influences its fate as well as how post- transcriptional mechanisms contribute to the diversification of the genetic programs that control cell fate. Luisa is more specifically interested in both neuronal and muscle differentiation.
Institut de Biologie de l’École Normale Supérieure, Paris
Prenatal inflammation and dysfunction of microglia, the brain resident macrophages, have both been associated with the etiology of several neuropsychiatric disorders, including schizophrenia and autism spectrum disorders. Consistently, microglia were shown to regulate neurogenesis, synaptic remodeling and maturation at postnatal stages. However, microglia invade the brain during mid-embryogenesis and could thus exert earlier prenatal and perinatal roles during normal and pathological brain wiring. Here we show that embryonic microglia, which display a transient uneven distribution, regulate the wiring of forebrain circuits. By taking advantage of multiple mouse models, including cell-depletion approaches, we found that perturbing microglia activity affects the development of neocortical inhibitory interneurons, which constitute main actors in neuropsychiatric diseases. In particular, absence, prenatal inflammation or functional perturbation of microglia affects the timely positioning of specific subsets of interneurons as well as their subsequent functional integration in the neocortex. We furthermore found that responses of microglia to environmental signals, including the ones from the microbiome, are sexually dimorphic in males and females. This remarkable finding has major implications for our comprehension of sexual biases in the occurrence of microglia-related diseases, such as the prevalence in males of neurodevelopmental disorders. Our work reveals key roles for immune cells during the normal assembly of cortical circuits and provides novel insights onto how microglia dysfunction or immune risks lead to pathological brain wiring.
Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, USA
A central challenge in developmental neurobiology is to understand how the myriad types of neurons in the human nervous system are generated. Stochastic gene expression mechanisms are crucial to differentiate neuronal subtypes and expand function. During stochastic fate specification, individual neurons randomly choose between different fates, resulting in unique patterns but consistent proportions of cell types among genetically identical organisms. My lab studies the stochastic mechanisms that specify the color-detecting photoreceptors in the fly and human retina. Fruit flies have a well-characterized retina and an abundance of genetic tools that enable molecular analyses of gene regulatory mechanisms. To overcome the challenges associated with human studies, we have developed a human retinal organoid system that recapitulates retinal development and photoreceptor specification. With these systems, we are interrogating how DNA elements, trans factors, and chromatin architecture control random on/off gene expression. Our molecular approaches are complemented by quantitative genetics to determine how natural variation in the genome impacts gene expression and photoreceptor specification. Finally, we conduct behavioral and functional assays to measure differences in color perception when photoreceptor fates are altered. By studying highly divergent organisms from multiple angles, we aim to define the unifying principles underlying stochastic fate specification during nervous system development.
Institut Curie – Inserm U8330, Paris
Neuroblastoma is an embryonal neoplasm arising from the peripheral nervous system that accounts for 15% of cancer deaths in childhood. It is an enigmatic tumor presenting with a great genetic and clinical heterogeneity, both in terms of presentation and outcome. The characterization of the genetic alterations observed in neuroblastoma led to the identification of major players of neuroblastoma oncogenesis that has considerably improved our understanding of the biology of this pediatric cancer. More recently, the analysis of the super-enhancer landscape allowed to decipher the core regulatory circuitries controlling the gene expression program of neuroblastoma. Distinct transcription factor networks predicate different tumor identities, corresponding to sympathetic noradrenergic or mesenchymal/neural-crest cell like identities. Cells of mesenchymal identity are more resistant to chemotherapeutic agents. Moreover, some neuroblastoma cells exhibit plasticity and are able to shift between the NCC-like and noradrenergic identities. The understanding of cell identity, heterogeneity and plasticity in neuroblastoma has strong implications with respect to the development of new therapeutic strategies to eradicate tumor cells in neuroblastoma patients.
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
The formation, targeting, and maintenance of axon and dendrites are critical for proper brain development and synaptic function. Deficits in synapse establishment and maturation can lead to neurodevelopmental, neurodegenerative, and psychiatric disorders. The neuronal cytoskeleton regulates the architecture and dynamics of synaptic processes by providing structural support and the tracks for motor protein-based synaptic transport. The latter is particularly important for the establishment of long axonal projections, which requires coordinated long-range organelle transport. The membrane associated adaptor ankyrin-B (AnkB) promotes fast axonal transport and elongation by coupling dynactin to multiple organelles through binding to phosphatidylinositol 3-phosphate lipids in these cargos. Additionally, AnkB directly binds βII-spectrin, which, in turn, controls the formation of a ring-shaped membrane periodic skeleton (MPS) in axons and mature dendrites. Interestingly, βII-spectrin also associates with molecular motors. I will show that AnkB and βII-spectrin are key elements in independent and overlapping pathways responsible for the transport of synaptic cargo and other organelles, and are essential for establishing proper brain structural and functional connectivity.
MRC London Institute of Medical Sciences – Imperial College, London
Behaviour is a striking phenotype and often one of the first things we notice about an animal. Broadly speaking, we are interested in understanding how genes affect behaviour, but despite rapid advances in technology for sequencing and engineering genomes, it is still a challenge to associate particular genes with heritable behavioural differences because behaviour is time consuming to measure and difficult to quantify. We are using automated imaging to record the behaviour of freely moving nematode worms and developing new analysis methods to extract relevant features. I will discuss unsupervised methods to quantify behavioural repertoires, and how making connections to language processing and data compression can give insight into the structure of behaviour. Finally I will show how these new representations can advance the study of behavioural genetics and phenotypic drug screening.
Institut des Neurosciences de Montpellier, INSERM U1051. France
Although a variety of primary sensory neurons are implicated in the detection and transmission of different sensory modalities, how they arise during development remains poorly understood. The process of neuronal specification is the acquisition of definitive phenotypic characteristics for a given subclass of neurons during embryonic development. This acquisition can be divided into several interdependent and sequential phases, from the time point when progenitor cells exit the cell cycle toward the newly formed and perfectly differentiated neuron. Using mouse genetics, Alexandre demonstrated that transcriptions factors of Maf and Zeb families control the specification and differentiation of specific sensory neuron sub-types. His work contributed to uncover the complex developmental sequence ensuring the formation of the peripheral sensory system and to highlight the progenitor diversity that underlies the developmental plasticity of sensory neuron generation.
The Rockefeller University, Shaham lab, New York, USA
Brain assembly is hypothesized to begin when pioneer axons extend over non-neuronal cells, forming tracts guiding follower axons. Yet, the identities of the pioneer-neurons and of their guidance-substrates and their interactions, are not well understood. Here, using time-lapse embryonic imaging, genetics, protein-interaction, and functional studies, we uncover the early events of C. elegans brain assembly. We demonstrate that C. elegans possesses radial-glia-like cells key for assembly initiation. Glia guide pioneer and follower axons using distinct signals. Pioneer neurons we identify, with unique growth properties, anatomy, and innervation, cooperate with glia to guide follower axons. We identified a CHIN-1/Chimaerin- KPC-1/Furin double mutant that severely disrupts assembly, unlike previously known mutants. CHIN-1/Chimaerin and KPC-1/Furin cooperate non-canonically in glia and pioneer neurons for guidance-cue trafficking. We exploit this genetic bottleneck to define a guidance-gene network governing assembly, with specific glia and pioneer-neuron contributions. Our studies reveal previously-unknown roles for glia in pioneer-axon guidance, and suggest conserved principles of brain formation.
Institut des Neurosciences Paris-Saclay, CNRS UMR 9197, Gif-sur-Yvette. France
In my group, we study the neural crest, a unique cell population that emerges from the primitive neural field and which has a multi-systemic and structural contribution to vertebrate development. Over the last decade, I have been dedicating myself to the cellular and molecular background of the observation I made in 2004, that the cephalic neural crest (CNC), exerts an autonomous and prominent control on forebrain development. This notion has broken the traditional view of how the brain develops. By using exquisite grafting experiments in combination with focal spatially and temporally controlled transgenesis, we have discovered the unexpected and potent “paracrine role that the CNC exerts on forebrain growth and patterning early in development and documented this mechanism at the level of cell interaction, signalling and gene expression. We are now following this exiting line of research, which revisits fundamental concepts in Neurosciences. This notion provides also a conceptual renewal, which is biomedically relevant. The mechanisms identified so far in our model are conserved across tetrapodes, but some social behavioural features are specific to amniotes. Our ongoing project and future directions are to explore the aetiology of neural disorders and behavioural impairments in Humans and in the light of CNC dysfunctions.
Pasteur Institute, Channel-receptor Unit, CNRS UMR 3571, 25 rue du Docteur Roux, 75015 Paris, France
Pentameric channel-receptors, including nicotinic acetylcholine, glycine and GABAA receptors, play a key role in fast excitatory and inhibitory transmission in the nervous system and are the target of numerous therapeutic and addictive drugs. They carry several neurotransmitter binding sites which govern the opening of a transmembrane ion channel. Extensively expressed in animals, they were found in several bacteria, especially the homolog from the cyanobacteria Gloeobacter violaceus (GLIC) which functions as a proton-gated ion channel. The simplified architecture of this archaic homologue, as well as its prokaryotic origin, allowed solving its X-ray structure in several conformations. Those static structures suggest that channel opening occurs through symmetrical quaternary twist and “blooming” motions, together with tertiary deformation. We further engineered multiple fluorescent reporters on the structure, allowing investigating the dynamics of the allosteric reorganizations and showing that activation involves a key pre-active conformation. Finally, the GLIC system was exploited to solve the structure of human receptors through the generation of functional chimeras. Overall, our work gives insights into the mechanism of gating and pharmacological regulation of this important family of neurotransmitter receptors.
UC San Diego, USA
Synapses are organized subcellular structures that transmit information within the nervous system and to other parts of our body. Our studies use C. elegans have uncovered multiple pathways controlling synapse formation, maintenance and function. Using a genetic model mimicking the physiological state of seizures, our recent work have identified novel regulatory themes affecting presynaptic release machinery. We also discovered that a novel immunoglobulin superfamily (IgSF) transmembrane protein mediates synapse and non-neuronal tissue interaction in synapse maintenance. These findings have implications to our understanding of circuit malfunction under disease conditions.
UNIS – Aix Marseille Université
Any type of neurons can be easily identified based on its electrophysiological activity, such as its pattern of spontaneous activity, the shape of its action potential, its dendritic integration, etc. How is stability of such electrical phenotype achieved, what are its molecular principles, and what is the degree of robustness of electrical phenotype in the face of different perturbations are questions only very partially answered. We studied these questions on dopaminergic neurons of the substantia nigra pars compacta. Our work involved characterizing the electrical phenotype of these neurons and measuring its post-natal development and its stability at mature stages. We also characterized the specific relationships of electrophysiological parameters underlying the electrical phenotype. In order to determine how complex electrical phenotype is achieved, we then investigated the networks of co-regulation of ion channels at the genetic and at the protein levels. Our results suggest that ion channel gene expression and protein interactions display a modular structure that may be involved in stabilizing phenotype. We also show that electrical phenotype also presents such a modular structure. Our ultimate goal is to provide a systems-level approach to robustness of electrical phenotype.
Inst. of Pharmacology and Toxicology, University of Zurich
AnIn the brain distinct population of inhibitory GABAergic interneurons innervate principal glutamatergic neurons to regulate various aspects of brain function. At the postsynaptic compartment, specific GABAAR subunits are segregated to different neuronal compartments to recieve specific inputs from different interneurons. The correct interpretation of the incoming signal requires functional coupling between the presynaptic neurotransmitter GABA, postsynaptic GABAARs, and downstream signaling by postsynaptic density proteins. The main postsynaptic density protein at inhibitory synapse is gephyrin. In the past decade we have identified diverse signaling cascades that converge on gephyrin scaffold to regulate its scaffolding property, and in turn GABAergic neurotransmission. These studies have shed light into mechanisms that underlie dynamic changes in inhibitory neurotransmission, and how excitation shapes inhibition.
Post-doc position – équipe Boulin .
Offre Ingénieur d'étude – équipe Bessereau .
Offre Technicien en biologie cellulaire – équipe Durand .
10 Décembre - 11:00 – Médiathèque Paul Zech
Ishier RAOTE, Institut Jacques Monod, Paris.
TANGO1 builds a secretory route for collagen.
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